Lake Ninan to home

After lunch and a rest at Lake Ninan it became clear that we didn’t want to actually leave. As the afternoon wore on Stephen got out the outdoor chairs and we put them in the picnic shelter to have good shade and comfortable seating and we spent the rest of the day there. Changing out of shorts into long trousers was a help in keeping flies at bay.

With all the cloud it wasn’t clear that there would be a good sunset, but just after sunset it began to glow pink and eventually became quite firey. I spent time walking around trying to get the best shot.

The evening meal was easy with leftovers from Saturday night and we had a good night’s sleep. On Monday morning it was windy, cloudy and there was even a little rain, but it cleared later with mixed cloud and sunshine.

Our drive home was in two sections, first going to the Bindoon Bakery for lunch, then taking the fast route home via Tonkin Highway. We arrived before 3.00 p.m. and didn’t feel particularly tired. The unpacking went the usual way, a bit messy and I haven’t put all of my stuff away yet, but so long as things are out of sight I don’t mind too much (in my former study which is now a sort of store room).

We have about two weeks at home before leaving for the Dunsborough Songfest. We have to then come home as we have a Working Voices Choir gig before leaving again for the Folk in the Forest weekend. We went on a wait list for this event and were lucky enough to score a camping spot due to a cancellation.

There are quite a lot of musical events in the next few weeks before Christmas, one WV event with two rehearsals, and two Mackie Street Singers gigs that we can actually do. Stephen is getting together with a friend to do a song at a concert in the city. As well, Marie and I are working on getting Mum’s business sorted. We now have been granted Probate and have started sending out letters to her investers. We are also setting up a Deceased Estate bank account with her bank where money can be safely transferrred or cheques desposited.

We have a leaking water pipe in the shower of our van and I’m hoping it can be repaired when the van goes in to have the heater installed on the 14th December. The work around is to use the tap in the kitchen to fill our basins of water for washes. We don’t usually shower anyway, just use two or three basins of water for soaping up and rinsing off. The kitchen is a step away from the bathroom so it’s not too inconvenient.

See if you can spot the girl on the top of the van in this slideshow. Like me she was taking photos of the sunset, but with more elevation! I’ve included a few photos from the morning as well.

This video is much better when viewed in Youtube.

Cleo was found today, an incredible outcome. We camped at the Blowholes Campground this year on our northerly trip and feared that the beautiful place was forever changed into something so sad. It’s hard to put into words how relieved and happy we feel here in WA. We are very thankful she and her parents are reunited and she appears to be unharmed.

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